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Tune-in icon from artist Meg Basaldua for ELA

Tune In:

Conversations with
 Pamela Sackett
inquisitive podcast hosts 
on behalf of
ELA education
self & social awareness 

Tiffy's Journal Podcast logo in blue

For direct access to the whole episode, excerpted below--the conversation between journalheaux aka The Journaling Stan aka Tiffy and I, along with Tiffy's astute and generous curation of episode highlights and links to additional narrative resources (actually located on this site)--click Tiffy's image💜

Announcing Ryan Brown Above the Veil podcast interview w-Pamela Sackett

Ryan's inquiry:
"What comes first, thoughts or feelings? Is there a difference between feelings and emotions? Most importantly, how do we address the significantly increasing suicide, depression, anxiety and trauma rates in our society? Pamela Sackett, author of nine books and principal artist and founder of Emotion Literacy Advocates shares with us the shadow work that we all need to hear."

Ryan Brown Above the Veil Episode 7 podcast sub-title


Just loved this interview Ryan conducted with ELA founder Pamela Sackett, it was so perfectly put together...
very insightful...I hope everyone gets a chance to see this...Pamela & Ryan are great together...so much hit home with me...I have a very dear friend who really needs to hear this...thank you for this episode, this resonated with me so much...thank you for both discussing and bringing more awareness to this subject ...great interview, I loved the distinction between feeling and emotions. It made me think: There are no hidden emotions...thank you both, that was fantastic! ️
Very smart woman! That is knowledge of experience. This may help open some eyes. Thanks for speaking out...Ryan did a great job...Pamela's grace, elegance and deeply knowledgeable presence is extremely comforting!

Isaac Murden's Podcast cover

Isaac Murden's 

For easiest access to the podcast episode, click image and it will take you to the YouTube audio (no app required).💜


"What a great conversation you two had - we are fortunate to be able to listen in! A quote I wrote down as a reminder for myself when I get a little lazy about certain things: "Unhealthy behaviors take WORK to change!" Thanks for that succinct reminder 🙂"

"Love love love this!!!! Wow such a vibrant conversation about vulnerability, communication, and being human." 💜

"I’m loving this vital conversation about vulnerability and authenticity!! ♥️💗"💜💗♥️

Eileen Asher, visual artist and mental health advocate, talks with Pamela about her latest book 
I Can: Twelve Ways
to Witness the Heart



*For more about ELA:
visit us on Instagram!

Emotion Literacy Advocates
